Monday, December 3, 2012

DNA3 Condos Construction Update: December

The Condo Chicks try to make their way down to the DNA3 Condo construction site a few times a month. Since we last visited at the beginning of November, we decided to check in again as we are getting close to the end of the year. It's hard to believe that it's been almost a year since the DNA3 Condo Sales Center was closed in order to start construction. As you can see from the photos below, it was no surprise to us that the construction of both towers is well underway. Check in again with us at the end of December to see the progress of DNA3 Condos before we move into 2013.

For more information on buying, selling or assigning your DNA3 Condos, as well as other King West Condos, click on King West Condos.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Friendly Visit to the DNA3 Construction Site

What a beautiful November day to go and visit the DNA3 construction site. Not only were we impressed with the updated construction progress, but we were happy to have a chat with a few of the construction workers on site. They were more then happy to chat to us about the construction of this landmark condo in the King West area. Enjoy the pictures!

For more information on DNA Condos and upcoming DNA3 Condo Assignments, click on

Monday, November 19, 2012

Minto 775 Condo Construction Update

It has been awhile since we have checked in on another one of our favourite King West Condos located steps from the corner of King and Bathurst. Minto 775 Condos is well under construction as you can tell from the photos below. It won't be long before this corner will be bustling with new residents. Keep checking in with us for more construction updates!

For more information on Minto 775 Condos to buy or to sell, click on Minto 775.

Monday, November 12, 2012

DNA3 Construction Update November 2012

A visit to the DNA3 Condo construction site reminded us that this landmark condo in the King West neighbourhood is going to be making it's presence very soon. With construction workers hustling around the clock, it looks as though DNA3 Condos will be completed sooner then later.  Keep checking in with us for DNA3 Condo construction updates.

For more information on DNA3 Condos to buy and for sale and upcoming DNA3 Condo assignments, click on DNA3 Condos.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Sudbury Townhomes

The Sudbury Townhomes are located in the heart of King West and truly are a gem in the City of Toronto. With condos dominating the real estate market in Toronto, these townhomes are a breath of fresh air for those buyers looking for the condo lifestyle with a home feel. Located at King Street and Sudbury Street, these townhomes not only boast small yards, but they also have their own garages. This feature alone is enough to draw young couples and families to this community.

For more information on the Sudbury Townhomes, click on Sudbury Townhomes.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Smallest Unit at DNA3 Condos

As we all know, condos in Toronto are getting smaller and smaller. There was a time that 600 square feet was considered a smaller condo. Nowadays, 600 square feet is considered a reasonable size!

At DNA3 Condos, there is a variety of different sized condos. Even though there are some smaller spaces, there are some units that are close to 1000 square feet which would be ideal for professional couples and/or small families looking to enjoy the condo lifestyle.

The smallest condo at DNA3 Condos is under 300 square feet- technically a mere 270 square feet. Now, before the comments start coming in that this condo is too small to serve a purpose, one must recognize that for a someone who travels often to Toronto, this condo could replace a hotel room.  For some individuals, the hotel lifestyle is not for everyone. A small owned space in the City of Toronto, such as this unit at DNA3 Condos is the perfect home away from home.

For more information on DNA3 Condos to buy and sell and upcoming DNA3 Condo assignements, click on DNA3 Condos

Monday, October 29, 2012

DNA3 Condos Sales Representative Erica Smith Visits the Construction Site

As you know, DNA3 Condos is one of The Condo Chick's favourite sites in the trendy King West area. Today, Erica Smith who was part of the DNA3 Sales Team, decided to visit her old stomping ground. Only a year ago, the sales office was still up and running and open for business. It's hard to believe that construction is underway and has progressed so quickly. Keep checking in with us for DNA3 Condos construction updates.

For more information on DNA3 Condos for sale and to buy and upcoming DNA3 Condos assignments, click on DNA3 Condos.

Monday, October 22, 2012

DNA3 Condos Construction Update: October, 2012

A visit to the DNA3 Condos construction site showed that excavation is getting close to finishing. Before we know it, construction will begin to go up instead of down. At that point, we will be able to see DNA3 Condos take shape. 
Currently, there are so many condos going up in the King West neighbourhood. A visit to various construction sites in the area show that the DNA3 Condos site definitely has the largest footprint. With condo developments in Toronto getting smaller and smaller, it's refreshing that DNA3 Condos will have such an impact in the area both on the residential and commercial sides. There is no doubt in our minds that DNA3 Condos will be the landmark condo in King West.

For more information on DNA3 Condos and upcoming DNA3 Condos Assignments, click on
DNA3 Condos.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

King and Shaw Revitalization

DNA3 Condos, which is one of our favourite sites in the King West neighbourhood is set to completely revitalize the corner of King and Shaw. Located on the North/West corner, this two tower condo development is set to alter the King and Shaw corner.  With strong anchor tenants anticipated to occupy the commercial component of the condo on King Street, there is no doubt that the presence of strong retailers will bring much needed support for the abundance of residential units.


For more information on DNA3 Condos for sale and rent, and for upcoming DNA3 Condo Assignments, click on DNA3 Condos.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Different Construction View of DNA3 Condos

As you know, we have been actively monitoring and visiting the DNA3 Condos site located at King and Shaw. As of now, we have been taking pictures from Shaw Street, which will be the East side of the building in which the first tower will front on.

Today, we took a stroll along King Street which will be the Southern exposure for both Towers, referred to as Tower A which is to the East and Tower B which is to the West. Have a look at the photos below demonstrating the construction site from King Street. Keep checking in with us for more DNA3 Condos photos and updates to come!

For more information on DNA Condos for Sale and upcoming DNA3 Assignments, click on DNA Condos

Monday, September 24, 2012

DNA3 Condos Construction Update: End of September 2012

A visit to the DNA3 Condos site showed that construction is moving on very quickly. With an occupancy expected in 2013, there is no question in our minds that residents will be enjoying their new homes sooner then later. If you get a chance, try and stop by the site to check out the construction hole for yourselves. We promise you that you have never seen a hole quite as big! It has to be big to accommodate the two fourteen storey towers that will be built. Keep checking in with us for DNA3 Condos updates. There are a lot more to come!

For more information on DNA3 Condos for sale and for upcoming DNA3 assignments, click on DNA3 Condos.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

East Views from DNA3 Condos

DNA3 Condos which is under construction is set to be the most desirable condo in the King West neighbourhood. With strict zoning laws in this neighbourhood, it's hard to get away with building high rises that can guarantee unobstructed views. The unique aspect about DNA3 Condos is that there will be units with unobstructed views starting from the 8th floor and up. For example, on the west side of the condo development there are the Sudbury townhomes which are only 3 storeys guaranteeing lake views. Tower A which will built on the east side of the development will have stunning views of the City of Toronto on the upper floors. As mentioned before, it's very rare to have such stunning views from a 14 storey tower. It's pretty much guaranteed that the views from these units will command high resale values once DNA3 Condos is complete.


For more information on DNA3 Condos for sale or for rent, and upcoming DNA3 Assignments, click on DNA3 Condos.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

DNA3 Construction Update: September 2012

 The cranes at DNA3 Condos are working double time! The cranes can even be spotted from the Gardiner Expressway when travelling by car. This alone demonstrates the prime location of DNA3
Condos as it is not only situated in King West but also steps from the highway.

A visit to the DNA3 site this week showed that construction is not slowing down even though we are approaching the end of 2012. With an occupancy originally anticipated for March 2013, it looks like they will be closer to occupying at the end of 2013, which is still considered quick for a pre construction project. Keep checking in with us for DNA3 Condos updates as well as information on colour selection.


For more information on DNA3 Condos for sale and upcoming assignments at DNA3 Condos, click on DNA3 Condos.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

DNA1 and DNA2 Condos

 DNA1 and DNA2 Condos are essentially the "go to" condos in the King West neighbourhood. Located on the South/East corner of King and Shaw, these two condos command some of the highest resale values in the area, with units for sale lasting only the market for a few days. DNA3 Condos will be the third and final phase of the DNA Condo series which will be built on the North/West corner of King and Shaw. This condo is anticipated to be the creme de la creme of the DNA Condos considering not only the finishes, but the outstanding amenities that will incorporated into this two tower development.


For more information on DNA Condos for sale or for rent and upcoming DNA3 Condo Assignments, click on DNA3 Condos.